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Negev Desert

Sde Boker

If you want to have a breathtaking view on the Nahal Tzin in the Negev desert and hear about one of the dream stories happened in this country, then this is a must visit for you! Here at one of the first Kibbutzim founded in the desert you can learn about the life and aspirations of the first Israeli Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, whose vision of making the desert bloom has been realized.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Ein Avdat

Enjoy a hike through a picturesque oasis in the Negev Desert that has been created by a spring Ein Avdat.

During this hike through a spectacular canyon you can spot ibexes that come to drink to the waterfall and see many different plant and trees that survive in the barren rocky desert.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Mitzpe Ramon

This is a must stop for anyone who wants get an amazing view of the Machtesh ( crater)  Ramon and learn about fascinating geological phenomena happening in this area millions of years ago.

Hiking through the maktesh along the breathtaking beautiful desert you will learn about its numerous secrets including many desert animals and plants that can be only found here.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Book your

tour today! 



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