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Explore one of the most important Christian pilgrimage sites in Israel.

Once a a quiet Jewish village in Roman-ruled Galilee it was a place where Joseph and Mary lived and where angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to inform her that she would conceive and give birth Jesus. 

Visit the largest Arab city in the Northern Israel- a home to 23 churches and monasteries and enjoy seeing the Basilica of Annunciation as well as the Church of St Joseph’s Carpentry.

Visit St. Habriel’s Church and a synagogue church.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours


“The town of Jesus”.

Enjoy visiting the remains of an ancient Jewish fishing village on the Northern side of the Sea of Galilee that became the center of the Jesus activities.

Come to sit on the stone benches of Capernaum’s ancient synagogue and learn about many miracles performed by Jesus.

Visit the remains of Peter’s house where Jesus healed his mother-in-law and learn about Domus ecclesia, earliest Christian places of worship.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours


"The ornament of all Galilee”.

Visit a once great Roman city of Galilee that Herod Antipas chose to be a capital of his government.

Find out about Jewish judicial court Sanhedrin that convened there.

Learn about the birthplace of the Mishnah, the first written codification of Jewish oral law.

Located halfway between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Galilee Sepphoris is famous for its precious Byzantine mosaics, including a woman’s face known as the ‘Mona Lisa of the Galilee’ and a well-preserved zodiac featuring Greek deities on the synagogue floor.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Kfar Cana

Enjoy coming to a traditional site of the wedding feast where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine.  

Visit the churches of the village where ancient stone jars were discovered possibly used by Jesus to perform a miracle.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Mount Tabor

“Rabbinic "navel of the world".

Ascend a 500m hill rising above the Jezreel Valley to enjoy magnificent scenery of the plowed fields of the valley and the ponds.

Learn about long years of history connected to this mount: the victory of Deborah the Prophetess and Israelite general Barak Ben Avinoam against General Sisera and his Canaanite army.

Visit a Franziscan monastery and learn about the transfiguration of Jesus- an event in which Jesus disciples learned about his divine incarnation.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours


Among magnificent eucalyptus trees at the Jordan River which flows out of the Sea of Galilee and into the Dead Sea experience a tranquility and serenity of the popular baptism site.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Beit Shean

Visit one of Israel’s ancient cities and experience a walk in time through the impressive ruins of once magnificent theater, a public bath house, two colonnaded streets, a Roman Temple, a decorative fountain building, a large basilica marking the center of the city.

Learn about the unforgettable history of this place that was first settled some 6,000 years ago.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Beit Shearim

Jewish Necropolis.

Visit a a hometown of “Rabbi Judah the Prince“ who codified the Jewish Oral law, “Mishna”.

Explore the burial site of this rabbi that turned to the biggest jewish cemetery in Roman period.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours


Come to a hometown of Mary Magdalene and visit one of the 7 most ancient synagogues from the times of the Second temple discovered in Israel.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Book your

tour today! 



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