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Dead Sea & Judaean Desert

Dead Sea – the lowest point on earth

Enjoy one of the world's saltiest seas while 'floating' in its waters surrounded by breathtaking views of the Judean desert and Moav Mountains.

Experience an amazing feeling of floating in the Dead Sea and have fun spreading black mud on your skin that will provide it with nourishing minerals and make it smooth and silky!


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours


Walk along the archeological remains of once magnificent fortress erected by the King Herod the Great and learn about this prominent king who left impressive remarks of his reign throughout the country.

Come to hear one of the greatest thrilling stories in the Jewish history that took place during the Great Jewish Revolt against conquering Romans and learn about unprecedented courage, struggle, heroism and love of a group of Jewish zealots in face of the destructing Roman legions.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Ein Gedi

Explore the biggest oasis in the Judean desert and its hidden wonders.

Enjoy the majestic views of the mountains and cliffs while walking along Rivers Nahal David or Nahal Arugot that have water flowing in them throughout the year. 

Located on the shore of the Dead Sea- the lowest place on Earth, Ein Gedi’s warm climate make it a special atmosphere where you can see various vegetation and observe ibexes and rock badgers.

Ein Gedi is rich not only with its vegetation but also with its ancient history that goes back to 5,000 years ago connecting us to the biblical stories of King David who was hiding here in the cave from King Saul.

And if you want to hear about a secret perfume produced out of a valuable persimmon as well as about temples and synagogues erected at this site, then- it is a must in your program!


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours


Visit 2,000 year old ruins of Qumran and hear about one of the most fascinating detective stories of the 20th century connected to discovery and purchase of the oldest biblical text ever discovered- Dead Sea Scrolls!

Walk along the archeological remains of Qumran and learn a story of a Jewish sect Essenes who ran into the wilderness seeking spiritual purity.


Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm

Departure location: Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv

Departure time: 8 or 9 am

Duration of the trip: up to 8 hours

Book your

tour today! 



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